This Thursday, May 23, 2024, French users received, on their Facebook and Instagram accounts, a notification that Meta plans “new AI experiences” in their region. An announcement that foreshadows the imminent arrival of Meta AI in France, but also a new data collection policy. We are recording the situation!
Meta AI soon in France?
Introduced in September in the United States, Meta AI is the new AI assistant from Meta, powered by our own Llama-3 language model. The company plans to deploy it on Facebook, Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp. Users will be able to use this chatbot in several ways:
- In a dedicated conversation: Meta AI will be available in a private chat area. By accessing the web, you can search for information, advice, generate an image, etc.
- On your web platform: a web platform was also designed, independent of Meta applications. Its interface is similar ChatGPT.
- In conversations: you can invoke AI capabilities in your exchanges by typing “@”.
- In the Facebook feed: key “Ask Meta AI” it will appear below Facebook posts. This will allow you to get additional information about the topic covered in the post.

Change of data policy
Meta sucks your data to train its AI
The arrival of this feature set could significantly improve the user experience on apps. However, to make its model work, Meta relies on user data. The notification states: “To provide you with these experiences, we will now rely on the legal basis of our legitimate interests in using your data to develop and improve AI Target.“. As of June 26, 2024, when the Privacy Policy is updated, Meta will retain the right to use your posts, photos, and conversations with Meta AI.
The legitimate interest mentioned here is one of the six legal bases recognized by the GDPR for the processing of personal data. In March 2023, Meta already referred to this idea justify your advertising tracking practices. The organization for the defense of personal data noyb (None of Your Business) then considered that this legal basis deviated from its original meaning.

Meta AI: how to opt out of using your data
According to the GDPR, users have the right to object (The right to object). To object to the use of your personal data, you can fill out the form that Meta put on the Internet. All you have to do is state your country of residence, your e-mail address and the reasons for refusing the use of your data. Regarding this last point, note that it is possible to simply paste the CNIL URL ( in the field provided for that.
However, Meta specifies that, even if the use of your data has been refused, some of your data may still be processed, especially if another user who has not taken the same step publishes your picture or mentions you in a publication.