User charter – Le Soir

Welcome to the forum space “Soir +”, a place for the exchange of ideas and opinions is part of the pluralistic spirit, openness and mutual respect from Le Soir These forums are subject to the rules for conducting any democratic debate as well as Belgian law, especially in matters of freedom of the press and intellectual property.

In this spirit, the editorial board of Le Soir magazine has decided to fully exercise its editorial responsibility by moderating the forum. The publication of messages is subject to prior or subsequent reading by a team of moderators, “Soir” journalists, who are obliged to evaluate each contribution, under the final responsibility of the editor-in-chief of the paper.

The editors of “Soira” reserve the right not to publish:

  • messages of a racist, xenophobic, revisionist, negationist nature, etc.
  • hateful, defamatory or aggressive messages;
  • inciting racial hatred, calling for violence or murder;
  • pornographic, pedophilic or obscene messages;
  • messages whose sender is not the author;
  • personal insults between participants;
  • messages that violate the privacy of other participants or third parties;
  • advertising messages, announcements of political and trade union organizations, etc.
  • off-topic or incomprehensible messages;
  • messages sent in multiple copies;
  • messages written in a language other than French;
  • messages that do not contain any element that could advance the discussion in question;
  • repeated links to other sites.

The right to quote is respected. However, “copied and pasted” articles or texts that are considered plagiarism are not published.

Contributions are not anonymous and will be signed with your subscriber name.

A forum is a place for discussion that requires you to present and support your own arguments. You can criticize other people’s arguments, not individuals.

Moderators reserve the right to enforce these rules of conduct by deleting a post. Internet users who violate this code, blatantly and/or systematically, will be temporarily or permanently excluded from the forum.

The moderator’s decisions are sovereign. The Internet user undertakes to comply with these rules of conduct by confirming his message.

Every Internet user has the possibility to warn the moderators if it seems to him that the message is in violation of the forum’s charter. To do this, simply click on the “Report abuse” button at the bottom of each reaction.

Your message, published online on the site and distributed on the Internet, can also be published on the “Forum” pages of the paper edition of “Soir”, signed with your username (first and last name).

Messages published on the forums/reactions of “Soira” fall under the application of the law of December 8, 1992 on the protection of private life.

The personal data of members of the “Soir” forum are not given to others or used for commercial purposes.

Participation in the “Evening” forums and reaction spaces implies acceptance of all the above-mentioned rules.

We thank you for your enriching and constructive contributions.

Editor in chief

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