Whether you want to stay stylish or for discretion, there are many reasons that could prompt you to choose a firefight in Cyberpunk 2077 or its Phantom Liberty DLC. If you are having trouble choosing the one that will accompany you throughout your adventure, we offer you a list of the best weapons in Cyberpunk 2077.
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A roundup of all our Cyberpunk 2077 and Phantom Liberty game tips and tricks
- What is the best build to play with a gun?
- What are the best guns in Cyberpunk 2077?
- His Majesty: For those called Bond, James Bond
- Ogou: for those who will rhyme V with Violence
- Lizzie: for those who like a double dose
- Plan B: for those for whom time is money
- Guardian of the Peace: For those who shoot before thinking
What is the best build to play with a gun?
While some players swear by melee or large caliber weapons like assault rifles or shotguns, others prefer to approach difficulties with finesse by equipping themselves with a good gun. However, such weapons can be more versatile than they appear. Do you want to spit powder or make as little noise as possible? Depending on your approach, we advise you to choose our Agent FIA build or the pistol variant of our Sandevistan build.

To get the most out of what the weapon has to offer, you will necessarily have to invest attribute points in the “Cold Blood” branch. Indeed, thanks to this, you will be able to access the best advantages for improving your effectiveness in handgun combat and your ability to be discreet. In addition to these benefits, we also advise you to spend some points on Technical capacity so that they can install as many cybernetic implants as possible, and more precisely Sandevistan module if you prefer to immerse yourself in the heart of the action. Thanks to the latter, you will be able to slow down time and eliminate your opponents before they can fight back. Finally, depending on whether you like to move at full speed or want to add some hacking to your playstyle, we advise you to invest advantage points in branches Reflexes Or Intelligence. For more information on how to build your character around gun use, we refer you to our guide to making an FIA agent and therefore from build Sandevistan.
Once you’re well advanced in your crafting, you’ll finally be able to pick your favorite gun (or even use several to vary your approaches). help you we’ve got you covered with a list of some of the best weapons in the game below. Be careful, remember that Cyberpunk 2077 offers dozens of different iconic weapons, and those weapons may perfectly suit one type of player and not interest another. Therefore, we advise you to try them yourself to form your own opinion. Also, note that even if the constructions for their use are quite similar, we’ll only be talking about pistols here, not revolvers, which are so different from pistols that they deserve their own list.
What are the best guns in Cyberpunk 2077?
His Majesty: For those called Bond, James Bond
Notice for spy movie fans, you will find what you are looking for by playing with His Majesty’s iconic pistol. While it won’t be of much use to you during action-packed battles, it will make you the ultimate assassin who doesn’t let anyone see you coming. With yours 150% head damage basic and his a special ability that increases his damage, accuracy and turns all headshots into critical damage when optical camouflage is activated, no enemy will be able to resist even the smallest shot of His Majesty between the two eyes. The icing on the cake is that the iconic gun comes directly with it silencer type 2067, unique in its kind. For all these reasons, obviously we advise you to play a build FIA agent with His Majesty.

In order to play with Her Majesty, you’ll have to wait a bit and have the Phantom Liberty DLC though. Indeed, you won’t be able to miss this weapon that will give you a DLC adventure character at the end main task “Get it Together”.
Ogou: for those who rhyme V with Violence
If you prefer violence and explosions and like smart weapons, we advise you to take it the iconic Ogou gun. In addition to having a particularly original design that makes it even more fun to play, this iconic gun has a very special gameplay as it only fires in two-shot bursts. Be assured, both of these punches are actually explosive, and each punch increases the chance of slicing. If you manage to dismember your opponent, you’ll increase your chance of critical strike and bleeding. In other words, this is a weapon that will be perfect against multiple enemies at once. To get the most out of this weapon, we advise you to play a build with advantage points in the tree that enhances smart weapons like THE build the NetWatch Agent.

To add the iconic Ogou gun to your inventory, you will need to do the following Mr Hands contract “Treatment of symptoms” exclusive to the Phantom Liberty DLC. To get it, make contracts in the Dogtown area until you can make the one between the stadium and the pyramid building. During this contract you will have to face a boss called Robot R Mk.2. After eliminating him, you can find the iconic Ogou gun on his corpse.
Lizzie: for those who like a double dose
Some weapons require game progress before they can be collected, and others even require DLC Phantom freedom along with the original game. Fortunately, none of these fit Lizzie, the iconic technical gun as easy to get as it is devastating. As its name suggests, this gun belonged to the owner of the bar of the same name, and we can tell you that she was not a fan of lace. In addition to the benefits of 150% increased headshot damage and 50% armor penetrationAbove all, Lizzie enables you fire two rounds per shot, or even more when you first pull the trigger after each load. Suffice it to say, this gun will make you a real killing machine, especially if you pair it with AND build like Sandevistan.

For recovery the iconic Lizzie gun, nothing easier. Progress through the story until you can’t access the strip of the same name (the one where you met Judy and Evelyn) and go back there after dark (the bar is right next to the “Sutter Street” express station in Kabuki, Watson). Inside, cross the main room, go through the door and go left until you reach the doll dressing room. From there, go through the door on the right to go down and enter server room. Go through the door to find Lizzie on the table.
Plan B: for those for whom time is money
Do you remember Dexter DeShawn ? It’s hard to forget who organized your famous Konpeki Plaza robbery Act 1 main stories. If you’re in love with his weapon, know that you’ll be able to recover it and that it might be of use to you. THE the iconic Plan B gun offers you a bonus not less than 200% more damage for headshotsnot forgetting his own 20% chance of bleeding. In addition, it is equipped with two mod slots, one for the aimer and one for the barrel (allowing you to make it a silent weapon for example). But the best part is that Plan B doesn’t actually shoot bullets like the others. Really, each shot with plan B will cause you to lose not one ammo, but 1 euro taken directly from your wallet. If you don’t mind losing a little money, it could serve as a last resort in case you run out of ammo. Thanks to its cannon mod slot, we advise you to play it with build FIA agentbut it will be good isa Sandevistan.

To find Plan byou will have to progress through the main mission of the game until you start Act 2. At that time you will be able to access all of Night City and will be able to go to unload where did you end up after the Konpeki Plaza robbery, in the Badlands east of town. To avoid spoiling any element of Act 1, we’ll just tell you that Plan B has been located right next to the fridge you’ll find in the side quest Cold Mirage.
Guardian of the Peace: For those who shoot before thinking
If you’re more of a smart weapon guy, but don’t necessarily like the aforementioned Ogou gun blasts, we have another suggestion for you. with iconic smart gun “Keeper of the Peace”.you will benefit from a 85% damage multiplier for headshotsas well as 50% additional critical damage. A particularly interesting statistic when looking at the bonus effect of weapons. Really, Bullets fired from the Guardian of Peace will have a chance to disable your opponents’ cybernetic limbs, and you’ll gain a temporary bonus to critical strike chance each time you draw this weapon. Suffice to say, your enemies won’t last long, especially if you use build the Netwatch Agent with the Guardian of the Peace.

To add a Keeper of Peace to your inventory, you’ll need to Mr Hands contract “Heavy hearts“, unfortunately exclusive to the Phantom Liberty DLC. Once you have reached the VIP room 6 within Heavy Heartslook for it pink suitcase in the first part of the room before the conversation with Georgina Zembinsky. In the latter is the Guardian of the Peace.
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