As with many role-playing games, Cyberpunk 2077 has several endings at the end of the scenario. Among the latter we especially find the secret ending of the base game, as well as a brand new ending that is only available after very specific choices in the Phantom Liberty DLC. If you want to discover them in your game, we give you all the keys to access them.
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A roundup of all our Cyberpunk 2077 and Phantom Liberty game tips and tricks
This article mentions the different endings of Cyberpunk 2077 and its Phantom Liberty DLC. If we do not describe exactly what is happening there, we will have no choice but to reveal certain major events in the scenario and the tasks that precede the last one. Read wisely.
- How to access Cyberpunk 2077 secret ending?
- How to access Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty secret ending?
Taken into consideration that Cyberpunk 2077 has been around for over three years, you probably know that CD Projekt’s game offers several different endings. However, to be able to access it, you have to complete the main quests until you finally reach the mission “Nocturne OP55N1“. During the latter, you should receive a phone call from Hanako Arasakawho will ask you to meet at a restaurant Fire in the Glen.
When you get there and enter the elevator to join your host, you will reach a known point of no return. You will no longer be able to return from the latter to complete side quests and other side activities that you have left aside. So be sure to complete them before proceeding.

Note that talking to Hanako will not affect the different possible endings, so choose the options you prefer. After several failures with Relicj, you will eventually find yourself with Vik, who will explain that your condition is getting worse. Following Misty’s advice, you will then go to the roof of her shop where you can speak to Johnny one last time. It is here that the end you will witness will be decided.
Depending on what you’ve been doing in your game, you’ll be able to choose from 5 different endings from this point on. For more details on the first 4, we refer you to our dedicated article. As you can see, the fifth ending is not as easy to get as the others since it is a secret ending. To be able to unlock it, you must complete the entire narrative sequence involving Rogue and Johnny Silverhand before reaching the known point of no return. FYI, this story line consists of the side quests “Tapeworm”, “Chippin’ In”, and “Blistering Love”, which you will only be able to do starting in Act 3 by talking to Rogue in the afterlife. In addition to completing these tasks, you will also need to gain the friendship of Johnny Silverhandsomething that is not easy to get.
In order to achieve this, we advise you to go in the maverick rock star direction whenever you get the chance. Smoke a cigarette when he asks you to, treat him as an ally, agree with him about his pessimistic vision of the world and the need to light him (and especially Arasaku). But where you really have a chance to earn points will be during “Chippin’ In” side quest. Really work to solidify your friendship by giving him what he wants during this quest, and you should be able to access the secret ending.

If you managed to keep Johnny in your pocket, here’s how to access the secret ending once in front of Silverhand on the roof of Misty’s Esoteric:
- Choose “I think you should go with Snape.”
- When you confirm, do nothing and wait a good 5 minutes for Johnny to offer you another choice.
- Accept the latter.
Be careful if you decide to go this route, you accept the risk of not having the slightest epilogue. Indeed, the last missions in the game will have to be done on your own, and the slightest death will give you a one-way ticket to checkout. If you manage to get to the end, then you will succeed the same choice as at the end of Snapeand will be able to access the same epilogues.
A roundup of all our Cyberpunk 2077 and Phantom Liberty game tips and tricks
If you pay attention to the new achievements available in Cyberpunk 2077 since arrival Phantom freedomyou will notice that quickly this famous DLC has 4 different endings to conclude its story. Baptized King of Pentacles, King of Cups, King of Wands AND King of swordsthese can be unlocked depending on your choices in missions Fire starter, Killer Moon AND Somewhat damaged.
But besides these, The Phantom Liberty DLC also adds a general ending to Cyberpunk 2077. While we had to make do with 5 different endings so far, you can now count on a sixth ending available right after the DLC ends. In other words, if you choose to finish the game thanks to this new choice, you won’t even need to play the entire base game to access it, just what is needed to access Phantom Liberty and the entire dedicated plot. Be careful though, this new ending will have some different dialogue depending on your progress in the base game. Be careful, the following lines reveal the main elements of the Phantom Liberty story.
To access a new quest, you will need to choose one of these two times.
To access the new ending called “Tower” and available through missions “Who wants to live forever“Then”Things done changed“, you will need to ensure that the Songbird is returned to the hands of the FIA. To do this, you have two choices.
If you choose to partner with Songbird in Firestartercontinue your journey until the end of the quest Killer Moon. At this point, right before you head towards the rocket, you’ll have a choice between handing the Chanter to Reed or eliminating the latter. If you want to get a new ending, choose to give Songbird to Reed (King of Swords ending).

If you choose to team up with Reed in Firestartercontinue your journey until the end of the quest Somewhat damaged. At this point, when you face the songbird in the heart, the latter will ask you to finish it off. If you want to get a new game ending, leave him alive for Reed to pick up (King of Pentacles ending).
After handing Songbird over to Reed, and thus the FIA, you’ll complete the Phantom Liberty DLC and have access to the latter’s credits (as well as its superb eponymous soundtrack worthy of James Bond’s best credits). When you regain control of V, you’ll be eligible for a new quest that requires you to wait for Reed’s call. Note that the latter can take several days of play, so don’t hesitate to abuse the pause menu’s quick wait command or otherwise occupy yourself with side quests.

After Reed calls you, you can meet with him in person to discuss your adventure and its aftermath, and then he’ll offer to call you when he has more news about the cure he promised you. Again, wait a few days for Reed to reappear, which should start the “Who Wants to Live Forever” quest.
First of all, keep in mind that this quest will serve as the point of no return, exactly as Nocturne OP55N1 did at the end of the base game. Until Reed calls you to tell you everything is ready, all you have to do is join the roof of Misty’s Esoteric and talk to Johnny to confirm your choice or not. If you decide to listen to the rock star in your head and not call Reed, you can go back and do whatever you want, including accessing other areas (note that you can still go back and call Reed if you change your mind). If you’re ready to tackle a new ending, give Reed a call. For more information on this new Cyberpunk 2077 ending available thanks to DLC, we refer you to our dedicated article.
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