Jury responsible for determining the winning author Award of the city on the occasion of the 29th BD Festival Sérignan (Hérault) “he hesitated for a long time about the graphic quality of the candidate” explains Jean-François Marty, director of cultural affairs of the town of Sérignan and main organizer of the event. It’s finally Rosalie Stroesser which was chosen for her first album “Shiki – Four Seasons in Japan”an opening story and an uncompromising view of Japan between hope and reality…
Rosalie Stroesser grew up in the Alps. After her initial education in graphic design, she studied illustration and comics in Paris. His taste for manga from the 1970s (especially those from Shigeru Mizuki) referred her to Japan, where she lived from October 2015 to October 2016. The story of that trip is at the heart of his first album.
“I wanted to tell the story of what I lived there…”
“This project was born during my year spent in Japan. Even before moving, I imagined telling my journey “live” in the form of anecdotes, strips, lines… which in the end I didn’t do, for various reasons. When I returned to France, I knew it I wanted to tell what I experienced there, to talk about my relationship with this country, but I had to wait several years before I was ready to write this book. It took me almost three years to draw this comic” she explains…
IN interview on the publisher’s website, Graphic twistsshe specified: “My relationship with Japan is a little calmer today than at that time. At the end of 2016, when I returned to France after a year spent in Japan, I was still in excitement, in the enthusiasm of the new, in denial of the harder things I experienced there. 2017-2020 I was in a phase of anger because of all these things, because of this insidious sexism. I really felt betrayed by this country from which I expected so much. Today, these expectations, these fantasies, this side of the “promised land” amuse me a little. I no longer idealize Japan like I used to, there are aspects of this culture that make me despair (as in France, as everywhere), and others that still attract me equally…”
A festival that kept all its promises

His work, full of finesse and subtlety, won over the jury presided over by the Mexican author Tony Sandoval who was the guest of honor at the 29th Comic Festival in Sérignan. Butthe discussion was particularly lively other nominees for Award of the city (Cécile Porée,Flowers also have a season
– Delcourt, Francesca Vartuli,What I know about Rocky -Futuropolis and David Wautier,Revenge – Editions Anspach) offer especially interesting graphic work
!Excellent price, for an excellent festival that kept all its promises , both by the quality of the guests (28 authors signed), and by the support of the audience, which this event won on a human scale. And especially opportunity to discover the new album of the series Michael Vaillant(“redemption”
) by Marc Bourgne.The city of Sérignan decided on the occasion of its 25th edition , to entrust the public bench to artists in order to invest it in their art. So,every year these benches with books enrich the cultural heritage of the city . This year, it is one of the most faithful authors of the Sérignan Comics Festival who was “put on the bench” with his extremely funny characters:Trolls of Troy . AND Jean-Louis Mourier

Jean-Louis Mourier (Trolls de Troy) created Sérignan’s new writing book…Next year, the comics festival celebrates its 30th anniversary
weddings that will undoubtedly not lack pearls between the city of Hérault and the 9th art!
Philippe MOURET The jury which consisted of Tony Sandoval president of the publishing house, Philip Mouret journalist Dis-Leurs!,Jean-Laurent Truc journalist and creator of the Ligne Claire website , Didier Bardy comic book reader, Lionel Laussedat sculptor sculptor,Matthew Cabanes president of the association Bulle cultural association AND
Jean-François Marty
Comic: Tony Sandoval, excellent president of the Sérignan festival
Comics: With Major Burns, for the better and for the Empire!
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