Developers: what they use…and what they love

Do developers prefer Markdown files to Jira-Confluence? There latest edition The annual survey that Stack Overflow conducts among its community includes data on this topic. This is the first time that the Markdown option appears in the “asynchronous tools” category. Another new feature for 2023: “Wanted” and “Wonderful” indicators for each technology. They answer respectively … Read more

Baidu CEO wows powerful AI enthusiasts

Artificial intelligence (AI) that will match or surpass human capabilities is the subject of enthusiastic predictions by some influential figures in the tech world. However, other equally prominent figures, such as Baidu’s chief executive, temper these optimistic predictions, arguing that significant challenges remain before such a milestone is reached. Different visions Elon Muska well-known entrepreneur … Read more

proof-oriented general-purpose programming language, supporting both pure functional programming and effect programming

Here is the presentation of F*. F* is a proof-oriented, general-purpose programming language that supports both pure functional programming and effect programming, and combines the power of expressing dependent types with the automation of proofs. F* is a type-dependent programming language that has several roles: A general-purpose programming language that encourages higher-order functional programming with … Read more

We build your successes – OMNES Education

My current degree My current degreeBaccalaureateThrow+1Throw+2Drawer 3level 4Throw+5 campus campusBeauneBordeauxChamberyon the lineGenevaLausanneLondonLyonMarseillesMonacoOn the lineParisRennesSan Francisco/Paris Program Program1st semester of 2nd year of undergraduate studies2nd year of undergraduate studies3 years3rd year of undergraduate studiesBac+3 (bachelor’s degree or license equivalent)BachelorBBADBAMBAM.ScGraduatePostgraduate studiesGrande Ecole program Pace of training Pace of trainingAlternationclassicFast TrackHomeInitial (18 months) Educational language Educational languageEnglishEnglishFrenchFrench English … Read more

Git branches, a counterintuitive system?

Why do so many people have trouble forming a mental picture of the Gita? The question eventually fell, in the context of a discussion following taking a stand programmer. This just pointed out the “counterintuitive” functioning of affiliates. The interested party bases its presentation on the non-existence of the concept of “kinship” between branches. Therefore … Read more