Forgetting your bank card code is an unpleasant situation. But the technique allows you to quickly recover that secret code.
Anyone can forget their bank card code. This moment of panic is often accompanied by the fear of simply losing the card. The latter can be blocked after too many unsuccessful attempts to enter its code. It can also be swallowed by an ATM. However, there are solutions to avoid finding yourself in this delicate situation.
Above all, you should not rely on your banker. In fact, the secret code of the bank card is mailed to the bank user when the payment card is created or renewed. It is clear that the banker does not know the card code of his clients.
Several banks now offer their customers the ability to view their PIN directly from their mobile app. After a secure authentication procedure, a four-digit code is displayed for a few seconds. This feature, offered free of charge by establishments such as Boursorama, La Banque Populaire or Caisse d’Épargne, allows users to quickly find their code if they forget it. Some banks even go so far as to offer the option of personalizing the secret code, making it easier to remember.

If this option is not available or if the user prefers another way, it is possible to request “reissuance of the bank card code”. This procedure, which is generally charged at an average price of EUR 9.19 according to MoneyVox, can be carried out by e-mail, telephone or from a personal Internet space. The new code is then mailed within an average of five days. Some facilities also offer an “urgent request” procedure with a shortened deadline, at a higher price.
Unfortunately, it sometimes happens that the customer, convinced that he remembers the correct code, enters the wrong code three times in a row. In this case, the card is blocked for security reasons. The solution then consists in ordering a new card, which carries additional costs that amount to 13 euros on average. However, some banks, such as Crédit Mutuel Arké, offer the possibility to unblock the card after three false codes at the payment terminal, by withdrawing with the correct confidential code from the ATM.
Finally, if the ATM swallows the card after three incorrect codes, the procedure to follow depends on the situation. If the distributor is associated with an open agency, the customer can contact them directly by providing proof of their identity to collect their card. On the other hand, if the agency is closed or the distributor is isolated, it is necessary to file a complaint quickly to avoid any fraudulent use. This procedure can result in the costs of the complaint, which amount to 27 euros on average.