what do the first teasers say?

If the promotional campaign for the future game Call of duty is currently relatively cryptic, revealing more information than meets the eye. To better understand this treasure hunt, we need to go back to the origins of the saga.

In 2003, the FPS world changed forever with the release of a game that redefined the first-person shooter genre. Developed at the time by Infinity Ward and published by Activision, the first game in the franchise Call of duty came to take over the masses of the genre at the time (as Doom o Unreal tournament) to propose a creation located in a realistic context.

If the preference is, for some fans of war games, for the franchise Battled (beginning a year earlier), sales of Code they speak for themselves: we are dealing with the great winner of this duel. Also, the minimum escape of the new opus has something to talk about. And the least we can say is that Activision’s marketing team is aware of this popularity.

A conspiracy revealed

The first Black Ops it emerged from the dark depths of the Cold War in 2010. Since then, the games of the series bearing this name have been synonymous with ambiguity: they take their roots in a conflict where the boundaries between allies and enemies are blurred , and where the Truths are buried under many layers of lies and manipulation. Why play a Black Ops, is to enter the dance of conspiracies of all kinds, where the themes of psychological manipulation, illegal experiments and other coups orchestrated by occult powers are addressed. They shed light on events often ignored or downplayed in traditional stories, adding a good dose of critical depth to the universe. Call of duty.

And, according to the first information about the sixth part of the saga, the next game will not be an exception to the rule. Whether it is the poster found by a player on the slope of a New York street or the vandalized American monuments in the teasers available on several sites set up for the promotional campaign of Black Ops 6the message is clear: things are not what they seem.

“Truth always perishes in war” (quotes from one of the fathers of Greek tragedy, Eschylus) is one of the slogans that flood the streets of the fictional version of the United States in this new game If Activision also wants to be crypto, the presentation of June 9 the Xbox Games Showcase should shed light on some of these mysteries.

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