No flash, no Nemo balancing on a giant cannon. But three men and one woman have come to challenge Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, against a fuchsia pink, royal blue and purple background, whose headquarters they are targeting. Thursday, Luxembourg’s Nicolas Schmit (Party of European Socialists), Austrian Walter Baier (European left), Italian Sandro Gozi (Let’s rebuild Europe now) and the German Terry Reintke (European green) competed against “Queen Ursula” (European People’s Party) during the Eurovision debate organized in the hemicycle of the Parliament in Brussels. The current President of the Commission, specifically targeted for providing assistance to the CRE (European Conservatives and Reformists) group, remained steadfast.
There was also something artificial in the debate, the EPP was promised to remain the leading group in the European Parliament after the elections on June 9. Ursula von der Leyen therefore has every chance to reapply for a new mandate if she manages to get the support of 27 member states, i.e. the majority in the Parliament. In any case, the left-wing candidates can go get dressed. AND Euronews poll published on Thursdayconfirms the shift to the right, with the first place for the EPP, the “spectacular” advance of far-right forces and losses for Renew Europe, in free fall.
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