Furiosa: The Mad Max Saga allows George Miller to dive deeper into the space he flies Mad Max: Fury Road. Enough to better understand how it works.
Furiosa: The Mad Max Sagain theaters from Wednesday, May 22, is the perfect complement Mad Max: Fury Road. It deepens the universe imagined by George Miller, making the narrative breathe a little more. This allows us to better understand the rules of the world of the Wasteland, specifically the empire built by Immortal Joe.
Immortan Joe, like Furiosa, is the element that connects the two films. He hides in the Citadel, from where he acts as a tyrant over the local population. Its territory is based on two other important places: Moulin à Balles and Pétroville. They are mentioned in Mad Max: Fury Road and further explored in Furiosa: The Mad Max Saga.
Warning, the rest of this article contains space spoilers Mad Max.
Citadel, Bale mill and Petrovville: three important places Mad Max
The Citadel is nothing more than a fortress where Immortal Joe, his army (War Boys), his henchmen, his generals and his wives reside. It is one of the few places in the Wasteland where there is drinking water. A resource that allows Imortan Joe to establish his dominance, particularly by growing vegetables.

Inside the Citadel, Immortal Joe has a group of sex slaves responsible for providing him with children (perfect sons, if possible) and/or breast milk. We also study in Furiosa: The Max Max Saga that a woman after three unsuccessful pregnancies becomes only a milkman. IN Mad Mad: Fury RoadFurisoa will try to escape to Green Earth (his birthplace), with some of Immortal Joe’s wives, which makes him furious.
Unlike Citadel, which takes place in huge rocks, Petrovville resembles a factory that pollutes the environment. Here we collect gasoline, another important commodity of the Wasteland. Immortal Joe has set up a simple economic system: he sends food to Petrovville in exchange for fuel. The only problem? The road to Petrovville is not easy at all, and Immortal Joe’s generals are constantly attacked by robbers.
In the beginning Furiosa: The Mad Max Saga, we discover that Petroville is controlled by Immortan Joe’s own brother. The city will then be stormed by Dementius (Chris Hemsworth), who enters into a fragile pact to get his share of the pie. IN Mad Max: Fury RoadPétroville is managed by accountant Mange-Person.
Ball mill
Water, food and fuel are key to survival in the Wasteland. But you also need ammo to fend off raiders. That’s where the Ball Mill, overseen by The Miller, comes in: balls are produced there and, if necessary, Immortan Joe can barter. His kingdom is therefore based on a triangle.

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