three regions will test this long-awaited system

How to succeed in a proposal transport ticket unique throughout the French territory and regardless of the means used when the country has no less than 712 bodies organizing mobility (AOM) and 200 different ticketing systems, all with multiple specificities? Clément Beaune, then Minister of Transport, tackled this complex project in February 2023 through “ hackathon » intended for choosing a solution. Divided into ten teams, 70 representatives of the ecosystem (AOM, operators, solution publishers, project offices, students and user associations) worked to achieve this goal.

Now it remains to experiment with the two selected solutions. On the occasion of the first steering committee of the project, on Thursday 23 May, Patrick Vergriete, the successor of Clément Beaune, announced the names pilot territory which will deal with this task from the end of this year 2024: the Normandy, Pays-de-la-Loire and Centre-val-de-Loire regions, especially on the Caen-Le Mans-Tours axis, with the participation of the three metropolises. From ” favorable basis » test different customer journeys, the board of directors assesses, then gradually expand the service to customers making interregional door-to-door journeys. Other partner territories, especially the southern region, will also participate in building the final, operational and replicated system at the national level.

Conducted with the Group of Transport Authorities (GART), the tests will focus on a postpaid mobile application. It will allow its users to travel by activating the application at the beginning of the trip and to be billed later according to the trip and profile. Subsequently, new functionalities will be integrated: prepayment on all modes of mobility and on the entire national territory, as well as a link with local smart cards and bank cards. New territories will eventually be able to integrate access.

Article published on May 24, 2024

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