Shelf life, a calculation that is not an exact science

Since last March, about a hundred Denner branches freeze their meat on the expiration date, so that for an additional 90 days it can be sold in Caritas grocery stores with a 66% discount. The initiative was welcomed by the Federal Office for the Environment and associations that fight against food waste. And an opportunity to ask ourselves what criteria is the development of the concept of edibility based on? Why is it preferable to consume the dessert until May 17, 2024, and not until May 18?

The question is not so trivial. Near 2.5 million tons of food they go in the trash every year in Switzerland. “Twenty percent of food waste comes directly from the expiration date in households, and especially from poor understanding,” points out Karim Hächler, project manager for French-speaking Switzerland at A situation that is not specific to Switzerland, but has been observed in many countries, including the United States.

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