Medicobiological examinations enable the diagnosis or contribute to the diagnosis of a disease.
Medical biology is currently thought to contribute to around 60-70% of diagnoses. Medical biology also plays a vital role in disease monitoring and treatment monitoring.
reports on medical biology published in the My Health area from January 1, 2024
documents posted on My Health space are medical biology reports
The software version with reference SEGUR – wave 1 guarantees that the institution has a solution that meets its regulatory obligations regarding the sharing of health data.
These solutions meet the national framework of technical and functional requirements, integrating the use of the National Health Identity (INS), the supply of DMP and the use of secure health messages for professionals and citizens.
These requirements include requirements to standardize document exchange formats to facilitate the sharing and use of health data through better interoperability.
So, wave 1 in medical biology provides:
- possible consultation of the DMP web portal from a button in the LMS, without the need for re-identification, thanks to Pro Santé Connect (with eCPS or CPS card), with the transfer of the patient’s context to immediately arrive at the right file and avoid the need to do a new research;
- generation of digital medical biological reports (CR Bio) in the structured format provided within the framework of the interoperability of health information systems (CI-SIS) (called CDA R2 N3, in self-representable .xml, with a specific style sheet to the laboratory) and in unstructured .pdf format, containing subcontracted testing if applicable;
- automated and systematized sending of medical biological CRs (with exceptions: patient objection, transmission with temporary masking for announced consultations, etc.) to health correspondents and patients by secure health messages (with possible return messages on the organizational box) and in the DMP;
- secure health messaging link funding is integrated by default in all Ségur updates. The exchange of messages enables a safe exchange with experts, but also with patients via the My Health space;
- transcoding of your LOINC test catalog by a specialized service provider.
The teams of the Delegation for Digital Health, the Agency for Digital Health and Health Insurance have been mobilized to support experts in the procedures that need to be implemented to implement the various services required for data sharing.
Experts answer your questions about Ségur, funding, reference versions, managing your project, etc.
Difficulties reported by healthcare professionals are analyzed over time within the Sentinel system, in order to implement corrective actions.
These actions may refer to the development of basic services (MSS mailboxes, qualification of national health identities, etc.) or improvement of reference business software, in cooperation with solution publishers.
See the list of solutions referred to by Ségur
You will find all the solutions listed in Ségur.

Digital Ségur, an opportunity to develop new safe uses
The technical development supported by the Ségur software update will only make sense if it satisfies real digital use. Therefore, in parallel with SONS, the SUN-ES program, aimed at public institutions, aims to support the organizational development and business practices needed to simplify the sharing of secure health data.

Ségur update your software – Wave 1 Prime
Wave 1 Prime aims to enable laboratories not involved in wave 1 to take advantage of Ségur’s digital reference software.
In addition to the Wave 1 Prime requirements, requirements will be added to improve LMS interoperability.
Each SONS Ségur system is regulated by a decree related to the corridor and the type of software.
There are 3 reference documents in the annexes of each regulation:
- AND specifications and reference file (DSR)describing procedures for presenting and processing referencing requests.
- AND Reference Minimum Requirements (REM)describing all the technical and functional requirements to be respected in order to obtain a referencing solution.
- AND call for funding (AF) document explaining the administrative and financial arrangements, especially the funding scales according to the parameters specific to each corridor.
A software certificate is a computer file that acts as a digital identification document. It enables guaranteeing the identity of a legal entity (for example, a biological laboratory) to access digital health services (such as feeding the DMP and calling the INSi teleservice).
Once the certificate is implemented, structure professionals can communicate with services without means of personal identification (no need for CPS cards to fill out a DMP or consult with INS). It provides 3 main functions: authentication, electronic signature, data security/encryption.
In order to meet these challenges, the Ministry of Health and Health Insurance proposes rules for managing and ordering software certificates. These rules, detailed in this guide, aim to simplify procedures for different structures and publishers.
Five private and public laboratories, accompanied by their software publisher SGL, have agreed to be the first institutions to join Ségur dynamics.
Discover the feedback from this pilot phase launched in September 2021. You will find results that confirm the feasibility of the goals set by Ségur on the ground. There are also lessons on good practices for successful change management.
My health space is the new digital health record, available to all French people from January 2022. My health space aims to give patients control over their health, and especially over their health data.
It enables every citizen to store your documents safely AND for exchanging secure messages with your care team. It will also soon offer a calendar to track major care events and a catalog of state-listed apps.
There software upgrade to the Ségur version it will enable automatic filling of My Health Space profiles with key documents for the care pathway, but will also enable these new secure exchanges through citizen messaging.
Question ?
Find the most common answers to Ségur du digital en santé.
Except for the exceptions described in the National Identity Monitoring Framework (RNIV), each structure must retrieve/verify the user’s INS and ensure its consistency with the user’s identity. Within the common identity database, the qualification is requested only once.
The company must provide one of the following two services:
– access to the e-learning platform, regardless of the number of people being trained, without restrictions;
– one or more face-to-face or distance training courses, the number of which depends on the size of the structure.
All details about the services are listed in paragraph 4.3 of the Call for Funding document.
It is possible to send a CR Bio with partial results. On the other hand, two uses should not be confused: CR Bio, with a time constant of the order of several days, and ‘run-of-river’ streams that can be implemented elsewhere when the requester needs (targeted in HL7 v2 IHE LTW and ILW profiles ).
Regardless of Ségur, the sending of documents to CDAR2 N1 by MSSanté and DMP is a minimum today.
Under Ségur, there will be no funding for SGL if the requirements for the use of CDAR2 N3 + PDF are not respected, as this is the fundamental point of the medical biology corridor.
Furthermore, we remind you that it is indeed SGL that structures the document in CDAR2N3 format, not PFI who, if present, is responsible for sending this document through MSSanté or through DMP.