Healthcare institutions play a key role in the success of Ségur du digital en santé. To enable them to fully embrace Ségur’s ambitions, the state offers financial support for software compliance as well as for the development of digital use.
ARS and GRADeS support institutions in their region in these data sharing and exchange projects, which are based on the national implementation of the space for my health and the safe sending of health messages.
Wave 2 DPI and PFI devices have been released.
Funding for software updates is divided into two consecutive waves (wave 1 and wave 2) corresponding to different functional scopes.
Ségur updates your software
More than
Wave 1 Solutions for Hospitals
healthcare institutions that benefit from the Ségur Wave 1 order
The SEGUR reference software version guarantees that the institution has a solution that meets its regulatory obligations in terms of sharing health data.
These solutions meet the national framework of technical and functional requirements, integrating the use of the National Health Identity (INS) and the secure sharing of health documents for professionals and citizens. These requirements include requirements to standardize document exchange formats to facilitate the sharing and use of health data through better interoperability.
So, Wave 2 in healthcare facilities allows you to take advantage of additional functionality in order to:
- enable DPI experts to consult the information available in the My Health area;
- facilitate the integration of medical documents received by MSSanté into business software;
- strengthen the security of information systems.
Wave 1 in healthcare facilities already provides:
- Identity Repositories (IRs) that can manage an institution’s patient database with unique patient identity management and have transactions for identity propagation within the information system, with a standardized interoperability profile (IHE PAM).
- Computerized patient records (DPI) capable of generating hospital discharge documents (discharge liaison letter, operative report, discharge orders) integrating qualified INS, in regulatory format (CDAR2-N1) to transmit via Secure Messaging and DMP My health space.
- Intermediary platforms (PFIs) capable of transmitting secure health messages and DMP via standardized exchange formats (IHE profiles and HL7 transactions) documents generated by DPI as well as other software solutions of the health hospital system (especially medical biology and imaging laboratories).
- For institutions equipped with a medical biological laboratory (SGL) or a painting platform (RIS), the ability to transmit reports on conducted inspections.
To support the compliance of healthcare institutions in the modernization and security of business software, the government funds software updates called Ségur.
Only solutions with a Ségur reference are eligible for SONS funding.
This funding system, called SONS for “open and non-selective system”, is based on a regulatory framework that is limited in time, and the steps to benefit from it are carried out by publishers or distributors of solutions.
The SONS system thus contributes to the implementation of the national health identity (INS), the supply of the medical record of my health space (DMP) and the exchange of secure health messages (MSSanté) between professionals and patients.
These funds are paid directly to publishers on behalf of healthcare institutions and professionals, without additional costs for institutions within the Ségur digital framework defined in regulatory documents.
The teams of the Delegation for Digital Health, the Agency for Digital Health and Health Insurance have been mobilized to support experts in the procedures that need to be implemented to implement the various services required for data sharing.
Experts answer your questions about Ségur, funding, reference versions, managing your project, etc.
Difficulties reported by healthcare professionals are analyzed over time within the Sentinel system, in order to implement corrective actions.
These actions may refer to the development of basic services (MSS mailboxes, qualification of national health identities, etc.) or improvement of reference business software, in cooperation with solution publishers.
See the list of solutions listed in Ségur Vague 1
You will find all the solutions listed in Ségur Vague 1.

l’decree of May 16, 2024 Ministry of Labour, Health and Solidarity related to the financing program intended to encourage the digital equipment of hospital structures – Function “Computerized patient file” Wave 2 defines the established referencing and financing program and its 3 annexes:
My health space is the new digital health record, available to all French people from January 2022. My health space aims to give patients control over their health, and especially over their health data.
It enables every citizen to store your documents safely AND for exchanging secure messages with your care team. It will also soon offer a calendar to track major care events and a catalog of state-listed apps.
There software upgrade to the Ségur version it will enable automatic filling of My Health Space profiles with key documents for the care pathway, but will also enable these new secure exchanges through citizen messaging.
These files represent the data for filling the DMP and sending documents via Secure Health Messaging to professionals and users, by FINESS PMSI. These data come from measurements made by Cnam and ANS.
They are updated monthly.
Not. : Recovery of DMP and MSSanté data is performed using identifiers that can group together several institutions (which may explain why geographic FINESS details are sometimes not available).
1. Try the Ségur project in a healthcare facility
2. Better understand basic services and technical prerequisites:
Question ?
Find the most common answers to Ségur du digital en santé.
A total invoice that includes the above amount less than or equal to the purchase order is sufficient. No interim account corresponding to the advance is required.
The invoice amount sent to the structure or PS and ASP at the end of the project must correspond to the total amount (100%) – the “Ségur Service” part must be reported in JSON and must be less than or equal to the amount reported at the time of the advance (submission files).Failure to comply with the deadlines will result in the withdrawal of funding and the return of the advance received by the publisher.
If you refuse to sign the VA, it is because you have noticed that the supplied software does not meet the expected functionalities of Ségur. You must then inform the supplier in writing of your reasons and any reservations to be withdrawn in accordance with the terms agreed in the contractual documents in force between the parties.
If the supplier considers that certain conditions under your responsibility (or a third party acting under your project management) have not been met, they must notify you as soon as possible.
In case of disagreement between the supplier and you, it is up to the parties to formalize their positions and conditions (means and schedule) to be met in order to guarantee the completion of the Ségur service within the time schedule according to the deadlines of the Ségur regulations. These exchanges are by default governed by the terms stipulated in the contractual documents in force between the parties.
MSS sends documents directly to patients. They are transferred to their DMP in parallel so that they are available to the experts who take care of them.
My Health Area includes a Digital Shared Medical Record (DMP) service that allows you to store your health documents and offers complementary services to the patient :
- AND medical profile where he can enter his basic medical data (allergies, history, treatment);
- And safe health messages enabling the exchange of information and documents in a secure and confidential manner;
- AND catalog of reference services (respecting criteria defined by the state in terms of ethics, interoperability and security) with which the patient may ultimately decide to share data (eg document, constants, calendar event) specifically to simplify your medical journey;
- AND a medical diary for centralizing appointments and reminders (current year 2023).
Please note: The My Health Space site/app is a patient interface.
For your part, you can upload documents and view them:
- directly through practice management software (separate section)
- either through a web service
In the My Health area, you will find documents added by other specialists and healthcare institutions that care for your patient, as well as documents added by the latter (eg old report, paper prescription). The documents of the patient and the healthcare worker are clearly identified.
Your patient will find all their documents in the Documents section of the My Health area and will be notified every time a document is added and during the first consultation by a healthcare professional. Find all the details here.