Operation CHARM not a mission worthy of James Bond, but an open source project that I find very cool for anyone who likes to tinker with mechanics. This is a huge list database repair manuals virtually all car makes, from 1982 to 2013, available for free and for free. Enough to make your mechanic shudder ^^.
The people behind Operation CHARM believe that everyone should have the right to repair, understand and improve their vehicle without having to pay a fortune for a workshop manual. It is a philosophy very close to philosophy free and manufacturers and we can only applaud the initiative with both hands (good, when we don’t already have fingers full of fat).

THE download files there are over 700 GB of torrents, and they also created a website (https://charm.li/) available to everyone, where you can browse different makes and models. They themselves admit that the interface is not always very intuitive, but the content is important, right?
On charm.liyou can explore manuals of different brands such as: Audi, BMW, Renault, Volkswagen, Toyotaand many others, for a total of more than 40 brands.

Of course, having access electrical diagrams and for disassembly procedures it won’t turn you into a professional mechanic overnight, but with a good dose of curiosity, patience and common sense, you’ll be able to diagnose common faults yourself and even perform some repairs. Something to show for next time family dinners and save a few euros at the same time. 💸

these Anonymous the automotive industry behind Operation CHARM doesn’t intend to stop there. They are already planning to expand their database to other vehicles such as motorcycles, trucks or even tractors. Of course, such a project is not liked by everyone, starting with the car manufacturers who have a poor view of the mass distribution of their precious vehicles technical documentation. But rest assured, no one plans to hack the manuals of the latest models of electronics-laden vehicles. The goal is first of all to enable the owners of older vehicles to maintain and repair them in the best conditions. A bit like retro-computer enthusiasts who keep old computers or old game consoles alive.

And if you ever get stuck on a procedure that’s a little too obscure, don’t hesitate to ask the community for help at forums specialized. Amateur mechanics are mostly good Samaritans willing to share their experience with beginners.
In short, I hope I made you get your hands dirty. Word to the wise, hello! 🖖