Hangs his electronic bracelet on his dog to go to the party: Man convicted of rape returns to prison

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A 36-year-old Belgian man under house arrest after a rape conviction attached his electronic bracelet to his dog’s paw to go out partying. But the plan was short-lived: the authorities noticed him, and he turned himself in to the police the next day.

When a man’s best friend becomes his accomplice. In Belgium, on Sunday, May 19, a man convicted of rape and under house arrest went to a party located 100 km from his home, reports 7sur7citing Het Laatste Nieuws. To prevent his electronic bracelet from activating, he simply attached it… to his dog.

In order to fool the vigilance of the authorities and leave his home located in Antwerp, this 36-year-old, sentenced in 2023, actually glued his bracelet to his dog’s paw. But the ruse was short-lived: he was spotted by the Center for Electronic Surveillance (CSE) located in Brussels and tried in vain to contact him. The police therefore went to his house, and they could only note his absence.

According to the Belgian press, the man went to the police station the next day. Because he did not respect house arrest, he was imprisoned in Haren prison in Brussels. He will have to serve the rest of his sentence there.

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