European elections 2024
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Since the decisions made in Brussels affect our daily lives in a very concrete way, UFC-Que Choisir also defends consumers at the European level. A few days before these crucial elections, we invite you to learn more about the victories achieved, our priorities for the next mandate and what the MEPs voted for. We count on your mobilization on June 9 to help us bring new consumer allies to the European Parliament!
Discover the UFC-Que Choisir action at the European level and the victories achieved
Mandate evaluation – Which members of the European Parliament are allies of consumers?
With a special mission to bring the consumer’s voice into European negotiations, UFC-Que Choisir is a privileged actor and witness of what is happening there. It is not always easy for voters to know whether the list they voted for correctly defended the values and the program for which they were elected. We invite you to return to last term’s key votes on consumer priority issues. Votes represented in green favor the UFC-Que Choisir position.
Agriculture – Food
Implementation of harmonized and mandatory labeling of nutritional values
We fought for many years so Nutri-Score is available on all supermarket products, so that consumers can be informed about nutritional quality in a simple and comprehensible way. Although we managed to make it an official labeling model in France in 2017 (and since then in 7 other countries), its display remains voluntary. That is why we call for its implementation at the European level.
If the European Commission undertook to draft a proposal for mandatory labeling of the nutritional value, in the end it removed the topic from the agenda without any justification, thus yielding to the pressure of Italy, which is fighting headlong against the Nutri-Score.
However, French members of the European Parliament had the opportunity to advocate for the establishment of harmonized and mandatory nutrition labeling throughout the European Union, thanks to the initiative report on the plan to fight cancer. The graph below shows that the vote was split and that many did not support this public health measure.
Deregulation of new GMOs
Plants obtained by new genomic techniques (NGT) are currently considered genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Their placing on the market is therefore subject to a series of strict rules, in particular on risk assessment and labelling. The European Commission, however, considers these NGTs to be an advantage for the development of sustainable agriculture. Therefore, she proposed a drastic relaxation of the rules so that they are no longer assimilated with GMOs and that they create their own legal framework.
UFC-Que Choisir mobilized against these provisions aimed at allowing these “new GMOs” to thrive in disguise. We believe that we have no scientific evidence that there is no short-term and long-term risk to the environment, nor that there will be an overall benefit for all participants in the chain, including consumers. In the name of the precautionary principle, any “new GMO” must be controlled and labeled so that consumers can make an informed choice. Which probably not all our MEPs think.
The Digital Services Act aims to hold platforms accountable
With the evolution of our consumer habits, online platforms now play a central role in our purchases. However, since they were considered neither buyers nor sellers, but only intermediaries, the regulations were largely forgotten until now. The DSA aims to define their obligations, whether regarding social networks or e-commerce. If UFC-Que Choisir defended a more ambitious text that would establish real responsibility for online markets, certain new obligations should be noted. This text goes in the right direction, as it creates an obligation of traceability for sellers who use the market, but also to inform consumers if they have purchased a product that does not comply with standards and the means available for compensation. However, it seems that not all members of the European Parliament are in favor of these new developments.
Financial services
Consumer credit
The rules in favor of consumer loans were completely outdated and did not take into account new irresponsible lending practices, with harmful effects for borrowers. We fought separately so that leases are regulated with the possibility of purchase, but also mini-loans available in just a few clicks on the Internet (better information about risks, costs, protection against over-indebtedness, etc.). This text was mostly unanimous among the deputies.
New CO2 emission standards for cars and vans
Since pollution is responsible for many deaths in Europe, this regulation aims to solve the problem by defining clear CO2 emission targets for car manufacturers. It forces them to market vehicles that pollute the environment less. This will enable, through a ripple effect, the faster appearance of cars with low pollution or zero emissions on the used vehicle market.
Sustainable products
Regulation on ecological design of sustainable products
Consumers want to buy products that do not spoil too quickly, but it is not always easy to have access to this information at the time of purchase. That’s why we supported the implementation of this ecodesign regulation, which defines the obligations to be respected from the production of the product (spare parts available for X years, ease of disassembly, etc.).
* This analysis was carried out using a tool set up by the Council for Economic, Social Affairs and the Environment (CESE): https://mapmymep.lecese.fr/ The voting results are shown by group in the number of French representatives in the European Parliament.
** Here are the correspondences between European political groups and French parties:
- Left: La France Insoumise (6 MEPs)
- S&D: Place Publique, PS, Nouvelle Donne (7 but 6 originally)
- Greens/ALE: Europa Ecologie (12, but 13 originally)
- Renew: Republic on the move, Modem, partner parties (23)
- EPP: Republicans (8)
- ECR: Only one MEP who left RN during his mandate (1)
- ID: National Assembly (18, but 23 originally)
- NI: Not registered (4)
Preparation for the next term with Marie-Amandine Stévenin, president of UFC-Que Choisir
Consumer priorities for the next five years
UFC-Que Choisir has revealed its main demands for more responsible consumption in Europe, of which here are the top 5:
All our recommendations are in our manifesto.