New research suggests that your gut bacteria can influence your decision-making

The digestive microbiota has a significant impact on mental and social health, influencing cognition, stress and social interactions, as evidenced in animal studies and new research in humans. Hilke Plassmann and colleagues found that dietary supplements that affect gut microbiota can alter human decision-making in social contexts such as fairness in the ultimatum game, suggesting … Read more

Beware of cloud cybersecurity blind spots

Storage in object mode, data not covered by security solutions, regulated or virtualized information that is difficult to protect, the cloud is not a guarantee against all risks against attacks. Ransomware is on the rise and has great potential for harm, especially for health data, the volume of which is considerable. The latest international study … Read more

Ségur of digital health for medical biology

Welcome Ségur for digital health Ségur of digital health for medical biology As part of Ségur, medical biology laboratories can be equipped with software compatible with the My health space system and thus meet their regulatory obligations while securely sharing their results with healthcare professionals and their patients. The Ségur du digital en santé program … Read more

Training: Digital Marketing: Strengthen Your Brand with AI

Duration 2 days – 14 hours Locations and dates ChooseVirtual classroomParis Select a location 03-04/07/2024 24.-25.09.2024 19.-20.11.2024 ({“tarifEvenementId”:”59120″,”label”:”Price of a virtual classroom session”,”marketing_label”:”Remote training via video conference”,”price”:”1650″,”priceTTC”:”1980″,” discount_value “:”0.00″,”tarifNoDiscount”:null,”tarifNoDiscountTTC”:null,”type”:”classic”,”category”:”tarif_general”,”event_id”:”17248″,”is_tarif_presentiel” :”0″ , “is_tarif_virtuel”:”1″,”date_debut”:”2024-07-03 00:00:00″,”date_fin”:”2024-07-04 00:00:00″,”is_virtual_city” :”1″ , “dom_tom”:”0″,”operationId”:null,”ville_description_id”:”2833″},{“tarifEvenementId”:”59119″,”label”:”The price of a personal session”, “marketing_label”:”The price includes: equipped training hall, coffee breaks, catering”,”rate”:”1755″,”tarifTTC”:”2106″,”discount_value”:”0.00″, “tarifNoDiscount”:null,”tarifNoDiscountTTC”: null,” type”:”classic”,”category”:”tarif_general”,”event_id”:”17248″,”is_tarif_presentiel”:”1″,”is_tarif_virtuel”:”0 “,”date_start”:”2024-11 … Read more

After the United States, Meta decided to test its chatbot in India and certain African countries

In September 2023, Meta announced the launch of a beta version of Meta AI, an AI assistant, in the United States. The chatbot is currently being tested on WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger platforms in India and several African countries. During the announcement last September, Meta announced on its blog that Meta AI, available in beta … Read more