Women and Artificial Intelligence: Cracking the Codes

8:30 – Opening speechIntroductory speech by Gérard Larcherpresident of the Senate 8:40 – Opening remarks Introduction by Dominique Verienpresident of the Senate delegation for women’s rights 08:50 – First round tableHost Laura Darcossenator from Essonne Why are there so few women in artificial intelligence professions? Elyes Jouiniuniversity professor of economics and mathematics, holder of the … Read more

5 courses to learn about UX design

UX design: optimizing user interaction on the web with Formasuite This training gives you a better understanding of the importance of integrating UX design principles when designing a website or mobile application. You will learn the skills necessary to implement an effective UX design strategy, thus improving the user experience. Topics in the program include … Read more

The lack of visibility into the future of generative artificial intelligence worries companies

The year 2024 marks a key year in terms of digital challenges, and especially the integration of artificial intelligence. The observation is clear, more than half of French companies will invest directly or through external service providers in artificial intelligence to support their back office and late payment management. How will the company’s financial situation … Read more